It’s back to school time and that means being exposed to new germs!
Since germs are so easily transported to other environments, regular professional cleanings are crucial in keeping the amounts of germs down and preventing the spread of germs.
Aside from regular professional cleanings, there are things employees can do at home to prevent bringing pesky germs from home to the office:
Properly wash your hands. Have your kids wash their hands when they arrive home from school. Washing for 20 seconds or more helps prevent the spread of germs. Be sure to wash both sides of your hands and in-between all fingers.
Beware of bag-teria. Backpacks are excellent for carrying books and school supplies. They also have the potential to carry lots of bacteria. Keep backpacks away from tables, counters and surfaces where food is prepared and eaten. Occasionally wipe off the bottom of backpacks with an appropriate cleanser or if possible, wash/dry backpacks.
Remove shoes. The bottoms of shoes are breeding grounds for all kinds of germs. If shoes are worn in the house, those germs are then transferred to floors, furniture, etc. Removing shoes when kids arrive home from school and setting aside a designated area helps reduce the amount of germs brought in from outside.
Octagon Building Care is a leader in commercial cleaning and building solutions for Fort Worth, Arlington, and Dallas. Follow us on Facebook for more great information.