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Octagon Building Care Blog

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Welcome and thank you for checking out our blog!  This post will be kicking off a series of posts that will explore the dirtiest places found in different environments.  Environments such as your office, your home, the airport, etc. Click here to follow us on Facebook or click here to connect with us on LinkedIn to be alerted when those posts become available.

The average person spends 9+ hours at work.  That is more than one third of your day spent inside an office.  Have you ever stopped to consider how healthy your work environment is?  While a lot goes into creating a healthy work environment, below you will find areas that tend to have a higher number of germs and visible dirt in a typical office setting and some tips for keeping those areas cleaner.

Visible Dirt:

Dirty VentYou’ve heard the phrase “don’t look down” but your cleaning company may have the phrase “don’t look up” in their vocabulary.  Take a look around your office at the vents on the wall. Run your finger across the top of a picture frame or stall wall. Don’t forget to wash your hands after because chances are you are going to find quite a bit of dust.

This may not seem like a big concern but allow me to illustrate.  Have you ever seen the coin pusher game at the arcade? You drop a coin in, it falls on top of other coins, and eventually some coins fall over the edge.  Imagine that happening above you, all around. One day that dust will fall into a place you don’t want it to go, like your coffee!


Without a professional cleaning service, keeping your office free of dust, dirt, and germs will be a difficult task.  Keeping your office clean is of upmost importance to employee health and productivity. A healthier work environment equals fewer sick days for your employees.

According to recent studies there are a few surprising places that germs can be found throughout the workplace.  A common theme throughout would be to think touchpoints.

Office – all around your workspace.  The keyboard and mouse were found to have significant levels of germs as well as your desk chair arms and your telephone.  

Break room – everything and the kitchen sink.  The break room sink was found to have higher levels of germs than expected.  Food and trash left on dishes can be to blame for this. These germs then get transferred all around the break room to the faucets, appliance handles, and especially the coffee pot handle.

Common areas – buttons!  Elevator buttons, copy machine touch screen and buttons, and vending machine buttons were all found to have elevated levels of germs. The common culprit for these areas is us!!  More specifically, our hands.

What can you do to help?

First and foremost, the biggest thing you can do is wash your hands!  Make sure you are washing your hands before and after handling food, after using the restroom, after sneezing or coughing, and after handling anything that you think may be dirty.

Some other tips include washing your dishes after using them, do not leave food out at your desk, cover your mouth while sneezing or coughing, and use a disinfectant periodically to clean your workspace.

Make sure the company providing you with cleaning services is taking steps to help you create a healthy office environment.  Check the scope of work and see how often items are being cleaned. Ask for an increase in disinfecting during cold and flu seasons and make sure they are using proper disinfectants and procedures.  

Octagon Building Care is a leader in commercial cleaning and building solutions for Fort Worth, Arlington, and Dallas. Follow us on Facebook for more great information.