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Octagon Building Care Blog

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Welcome and thank you for checking out our blog!  This post is our fourth in a series of posts that will explore the dirtiest places found in different environments.  Environments such as your office, your home, the airport, etc.  Click here to follow us on Facebook or click here to connect with us on LinkedIn to be alerted when those posts become available.

The average person spends approximately 30% of their week at the gym. Have you ever stopped to consider how healthy it is? While most businesses try to keep up with routine cleaning, there are some areas that may be overlooked.


Octagon Building Care - GymWithout a professional cleaning service, keeping the gym free of dust, dirt, and germs will be a difficult task. Keeping the gym clean is of utmost importance to employee health and health of members. A clean environment goes a long way in promoting a business to future members.

According to recent studies there are a few surprising places that germs can be found throughout the gym. A common theme throughout would be to think touchpoints. These are items that are touched many times a day and don’t always get the thorough cleaning they need:

Cardio Machines – screens, buttons, handles, etc.

Weights – could be dusty or sweaty from previous user.

Exercise Mats – some gyms may not be sanitizing mats for the next user so you can play it safe and bring your own to classes or wipe down before and after use.

Locker Rooms – most are humid which is a breeding ground for germs!

What can you do to help?

First and foremost, the biggest thing you can do is wash your hands! Make sure you are washing your hands before and after handling food, after using the restroom, after sneezing or coughing, and after handling anything that you think may be dirty.

Asking your gym to provide disinfecting wipes or spray encourages members to wipe down machines and equipment after use. If your gym doesn’t offer this, maybe toss a small travel container of wipes into your gym bag to wipe off weights and machines before AND after use. This will help wipe away not only sweat but any germs that may have been transferred.

If you plan on showering at the gym, bring a pair of shower shoes or flip flops to wear into the locker room.

Make sure the company providing you with cleaning services is taking steps to help you create a healthy office environment. Check the scope of work and see how often items are being cleaned. Ask for an increase in disinfecting during cold and flu seasons and make sure they are using proper disinfectants and procedures.

Octagon Building Care is a leader in commercial cleaning and building solutions for Fort Worth, Arlington, and Dallas. Follow us on Facebook for more great information.