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Octagon Building Care Blog

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Welcome and thank you for checking out our blog! This post is our eighth in a series of posts that will explore the dirtiest places found in different environments. Environments such as your office, your home, the airport, etc.  Click here to follow us on Facebook or click here to connect with us on LinkedIn to be alerted when those posts become available.


Supermarkets generated about $600 billion every year in sales (https://www.statista.com/topics/1563/supermarkets-in-the-us/). That means, on a daily basis, they are filled with lots of people and the potential for many germs. Below are some of the germiest surfaces hiding in your supermarket and ways to protect yourself:

  • Shopping cart (especially the handle)supermarket octagonbuildingcare
  • Basket Handles
  • Child seat in shopping cart
  • Refrigerator/Freezer Doors
  • Meat Counter
  • Touchscreens at checkout
  • Reusable grocery bags

What can you do to help?

First and foremost, the biggest thing you can do is wash your hands after shopping. Carrying hand sanitizer with you or in your car and using after your shopping trip will prevent the spread of any germs you come into contact with.

Many supermarkets offer disinfecting wipes to use on cart handles and basket handles. Use a wipe to clean off any surfaces you may come into contact with while pushing/pulling a shopping cart. You may also want to grab a few extra or carry some travel wipes with you to use throughout the store.

Regularly wash your reusable grocery bags. Products can leak in transport from the supermarket to home and promote bacteria growth. Wash on hot water to remove bacteria or wipe insulated bags with disinfecting wipes.

For supermarket owners/managers: Make sure the company providing you with cleaning services or your employees are taking steps to help you create a healthy environment. Check the scope of work and see how often items are being cleaned and disinfected. Ask for an increase in disinfecting during cold and flu seasons and make sure they are using proper disinfectants and procedures.

Octagon Building Care is a leader in commercial cleaning and building solutions for Fort Worth, Arlington, and Dallas. Follow us on Facebook for more great information.