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Octagon Building Care Blog

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March 20 brought the first day of spring. Now that temperatures are warming up and the sun is shining more, many people tackle spring cleaning. Spring cleaning is very common, but it’s not always something that people enjoy doing, especially kids! So how can you make it fun for all members of the family??? Follow these suggestions, open the windows and tackle that layer of winter dust!

Fun Cleaning Tips

  • Make it a game – Encourage everyone to make it a race. Set a timer and see who is faster! Who can pick up 10 items the fastest, who can rake the most piles of leaves, or empty the most trash, etc. Creating small races/games not only helps clean but keeps it fun!
  • Listen to music – Rocking out to some up-beat music makes any task go quicker!
  • Create a reward system – Create a list and when things get checked out, celebrate! Rewards such as ice cream, movies, their favorite food for dinner, etc are helpful.
  • Hold a contest – Who cleans the fastest? Who vacuums the best? Create “judging” criteria. After cleaning, check on their progress and pick a winner. Whoever wins earns a prize!
  • Declutter (and make it a scavenger hunt) – Make a list of items to declutter (books, shoes, clothes, etc) and have everyone complete their decluttering like a scavenger hunt. First one done, wins a prize or reward.
  • Sell items decluttered – Let kids see what their items are worth and allow them to spend the money to buy themselves something new.
  • Give them their own tools – Kids will enjoy cleaning more with supplies that are “just their size”.

Octagon Building Care is a leader in commercial cleaning and building solutions for Fort Worth, Arlington, and Dallas. Follow us on Facebook for more great information.