To help cut down on costs, many businesses are now offering their employees more flexibility in their workspace and work hours. Employees may be able to work from home or travel to different locations to work when convenient. Due to this, having a dedicated office or workspace is disappearing. The new trend is shared workspaces!
When sharing any type of space, there are going to various different cleaning and organizations styles. Below are some tips to make the best (and cleanest!) of your shared workspace.
- Follow the Golden Rule: Treat others as you wish to be treated. When leaving a shared space, make sure you clean up any messes or spills. Put items away that were out and used or possibly moved around. Get in the habit of cleaning daily before you leave the space.
- Communicate: If something is needed or bothering you, let your co-workers know. Leave a note or speak to them directly.
- Control Clutter: Try not to keep too many items on the workspace that could clutter up the working area or attract germs. By limiting these items, you create a cleaner environment for everyone.
- Don’t Eat at Shared Desks: This will cut down on the potential for germs and other debris being left on the shared surface.
- Wash Your Hands: Make sure you are washing your hands before and after handling food, after using the restroom, after sneezing or coughing, and after handling anything that you think may be dirty. Using soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds helps cut down on germs.
If you are unable to wash your hands, carry hand sanitizer with you to use regularly. Make sure before leaving an area, eating, sneezing or coughing, that you use the hand sanitizer to prevent spreading germs and getting sick!
- Carry Disinfecting Wipes: These are also helpful in wiping off surfaces or personal belongings in the shared workspace to avoid spreading any germs.
- Encourage Professional Cleaning: Encourage the co-working space to provide cleaning materials or hire a professional cleaning company for nightly disinfecting of the shared space.
Octagon Building Care is a leader in commercial cleaning and building solutions for Fort Worth, Arlington, and Dallas. Follow us on Facebook for more great information.