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Created: Friday, 09 February 2018 16:16
How to Disinfect your Cell Phone
With cold and flu season upon us, one of the most important thing you can do to prevent the spread of germs is to disinfect surfaces. But do you think about your cell phone? Your cell phone is one of the dirtiest surfaces a person touches every day.
According to Time Health, your cell phone is 10 times dirtier than a toilet seat! Since most of the germs transferred to your phone come from your hands, proper hand washing is important, but so is cleaning your phone weekly.

Since the surface of your phone can be damaged by most chemical cleaners, you do not want to use glass cleaners, alcohol wipes, etc. You should never spray anything directly on your screen, always spray onto a cloth first as excess moisture can damage the phone. Make sure you are using a microfiber or lint free cloth. Paper towels and other textiles can scratch the surface of your phone.
Use the tips below and you can have a clean, germ free phone!
- Use a diluted alcohol mixture (60% water + 40% rubbing alcohol). Spray a small amount of the mixture on a microfiber or lint free cloth and wipe off phone screen and case.
- Mix distilled or bottled water with white vinegar (50% water + 50% white vinegar). Spray a small amount of the mixture on a microfiber or lint free cloth and wipe off phone screen and case.
- Use a small amount of alcohol free hand sanitizer. Put a small amount on a cloth and wipe off phone screen and case.
- Use a UV-C light device designed to sanitize your phone in minutes.
- Use specialty wipes designed to clean cell phone screens
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